I wasn't very impressed by Google's advertising for Chrome as I felt it was really boring however they have definately redeemed themselves with this viral video I love the idea, it's SO much more interesting than "Chrome is so amazing beacuse you can have 20 tabs open at the same time" (see below)

Google has never really had to make an effort to promote itself before now. It is the leading search engine - by miles. Now it's in competition with Internet Explorer, Firefox etc and it has had to make an effort. I think the "multiple tabs" campaign was a reflection of Google thinking it didn't really need to promote itself and could just rely on its no1 status.
The problem with promoting an internet browser is that not everyone knows what one is and most people probably don't care/realise which browser they are using anyway. Now they have launched their Speed Tests video i think people will see Google's more fun and human side whilst discovering that they can surf the internet more quickly by downloading chrome.
Definately a step in the right direction and currently featuring on BuzzFeed.com's Just Launched list.
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