This film blew me away. It is the story of a time when the technology exists to enter people's dreams allowing thieves to extract secret information from people's subconscious minds eg, the combination to a safe... Dom Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio), a successful theif, is asked by the owner of an energy company (Saito) to complete a mission in order to grant him entry to America to see his children again. Saito's main business competitor is an old man who is very sick, and his son is about to take over his father's company. Saito wants the son to break up his father's empire. Cobb agrees out of desperation to see his children again.
However instead of performing 'extraction' (getting information out of someone's head) he needs to perform 'inception' - the planting of an idea into someone's mind. This requires a team of people and creating dreams within dreams. As time passes much quicker in dreamstate than in normal life, this creates a multiplying effect - 5 mins asleep = 1hr in a dream, 1hr of a dram within a dream = 1 week etc.
The creators had really thought everything through very very carefully. One interesting aspect was that as they fall of a bridge, whilst asleep and dreaming, this affects the dream - there's no gravity!
The ending is very smart. It is a cliffhanger, but because of that it encourages you to really think hard over what you have just seen in order to fathom out the answer to the question left hanging.
How can I sum it up? "Watch it!"
Links: IMDB, Inception website
Everyone I have spoken to thinks that because of the spinning top at the end there will be a sequel. I was trying to think of any sequel that Leonardo DiCaprio has ever starred in...