Tuesday, 31 May 2011

British Museum

This week I visited the British Museum in London. I was quite surprised that hardly any of the artifacts were British but nevermind!

I couldn't resist taking a picture of the magnificent roof:

And comparing it to that of Westfield shopping centre:

I really like the swirls and patterns in this vase:

This fella is just awesome:

This just doesn't look 1000s of years old, incredible:

Pollock's Toy Museum London

I visited the Pollock's Toy Museum in London recently and managed to capture a few interesting patterns and pieces of artwork amongst the old toys.

 The above work reminded me of some of Dali's work I had seen in Paris:

The following are discs from a "Zeotrope".

A zoetrope is a device that produces an illusion of action from a rapid succession of static pictures. The term zoetrope is from the Greek words ζωή - zoe, "life" and τρόπος - tropos, "turn". It may be taken to mean "wheel of life".

"The New Game of the Goose":

"The Aviary: The Bird Fancyers Recreation" wallpaper:

Pretty door patterns:
Oriental folk toy:

Saturday, 7 May 2011

Little Bubbles

Calling all young parents! Please check out my project "Little Bubbles" - it's a community for young parents and I need lots of feedback and support. So have a look round and let me know what you think about it :)

Little Bubbles Website

Little Bubbles Facebook Page
(please "like" it!)

Check out my Degree Show!

The University of Leeds School of Design Degree Show 2011 will take place between June 13th and June 17th.

School of Design
University of Leeds

+44 (0)113 34 33700